Input Order Details:
Before you start creating an order, you will need to have an existing customer account.
Instructions to create a new customer account.
To create a new order:
From the menu on the left side of your Red OnX Dashboard, click Orders.
Click Add New Order at the top right of the screen
Your next screen will show you an order number and order details:

Order Status: Choose the appropriate status for the order from the dropdown. Options typically range from ‘Pending payment’, ‘Processing’, to ‘Completed’, and more. For an invoice that will be sent to a client, the status should be “Pending Payment.”
Customer: Assign the order to an existing customer from the dropdown list.

Billing and Shipping Details: Populate these sections with the customer’s relevant information. If it is a virtual product or something that won’t be shipped, you can leave the fields blank.
At the top right, click “Create” – Until you click “Create”, the order does not actually exist in your system. After you have created the order, the button will change to “Update” It’s a good habit to update often to make sure everything is saved properly.
Items: Add the product(s) for the order. Click on ‘Add item(s)’ and then ‘Add product(s)’. A search bar will be presented, use it to find and select the appropriate product(s). Once you have the products or services selected, click “Add” – that will return you to the invoice screen, where you should see your items listed.

Note: If you click add before selecting your product, it will not add your product and you will have to repeat the last couple of steps. If you forget to add a product and want to include it, simple go back through to “Add item(s)” and repeat the process.
If you have prices already added to your products and services, you will see them and the amounts multiplied by the quantity.
If you don’t have product pricing, such as for custom or quote only types of orders, then the pricing will be blank, and you can add it manually.
To edit or add additional information to a line item, hover near the pricing of the line item and you will see a small pencil and small x. Clicking the x will remove the product. You will get a notice to confirm removal.
When you click the pencil, you will be able to edit the quantity and pricing info.
You will see two boxes for the item under the total header:
- Before discount: This is the original cost for the entire quantity
- Total: You can change this number if you want to give a specific cost discount. The invoice will calculate the difference and show it as a discount on the invoice

Apply a Coupon Code: If there is a coupon code to be applied to this order, click on ‘Add item(s)’ and select ‘Add coupon’. In the new line that appears, input the coupon code in the ‘Code’ field, and the system will automatically apply the discount.
Input Meta Data for the Order: Find the ‘Order Meta Data’ section, usually located further down. This section is used to input any additional, specific information about the order. To add metadata, click ‘Add Item’, then populate the ‘Key’ (the metadata title like ‘delivery date’) and ‘Value’ (the specific detail, e.g., ‘June 30, 2023’) fields.
Send Order Details to Customer:
Once you’re satisfied with the order details, you have a few options for payments:
- Set up a deposit, click here for instructions.
- Payment plans (Installment payments) Coming soon
- Send the invoice to the client to pay in full
To send the invoice to the customer, go to the top right, and just above the “update” button, you will see a drop-down menu that reads “choose an action.” Choose the action you want to take, and then click “Update.” Your invoice has been sent to your client.