Decide on Business name and structure
Most new businesses start as either a Sole Proprietor or an LLC. The structure you use to set up your business will have legal implications, including asset protection. It is best to speak to a local business counselor, an accountant, or a lawyer to determine the proper structure for your business.
Register for required licenses
Before registering for your business license, you will need to choose a business name and ensure it is not taken by another business. You can do a simple search on Google. If that does not give you any results, you can do a more in-depth search through trademark and licensing companies. You can ask a local business consultant or a lawyer for more information on that process.
Once you have the business name and have decided on a business structure, you will need to register your business at your local Secretary of State’s office. This can be done online. The link is ( The registration fees vary by state and will be listed on the Secretary of State’s website.
Get EIN/Tax ID
EINs and Tax IDs are generally issued during the business licensing process on the Secretary of State’s website – If not, contact your state tax authority or go to their website.